Unto hearts in deep night pining,

And a world captive under darkness' hand,

In the East the daystar, sining,

Brought a new dawning to this land.

And this Land of the Quiet Morn,

Lives now in light made new,

While life's light lifes a tower,

In this land firmly founded, strong and true,


Rooted deep in rich plantations,

And with boughs reaching bravely to the skies,

By its leaves it heals the nations,

By its fruit ev'ry need supplies

While the Land of the Quiet Morn,

Calls workers, to become,

God's good seed, heaven planted,

That life's work on the earth may yet be done.


Crystal springs, with freshets flowing,

Pour out streams to refresh a thirsty land,

Verdant meadows, richly growing,

Rise before us on ev'ry hand.

O, dear Land of the Quiet Morn,

New heaven and new earth,

Bright borch, unquench'd forever,

Be a light for all peoples, flaming forth!


Life at best is very brief,

Like the falling of a leaf,

Like the binding of a sheaf, Be in time!

Fleeting days are telling fast

That the die will soon be cast,

And the fatal line be passed, Be in time!

Be in time! Be in time!

While the voice of Jesus calls you, Be in time!

If in sin you longer wait,

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late: Be in time!


Fairest flowers soon decay,

Youth and beauty pass away;

O you have not long to stay, Be in time!

While God's Spirit bids you come,

Sinner, do not longer roam,

Lest you seal your hopeless doom, Be in time!

Be in time! Be in time!

While the voice of Jesus calls you, Be in time!

If in sin you longer wait,

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late: Be in time!


Time is gliding swiftly by,

Death and judgment draweth nigh,

To the arms of Jesus fly, Be in time!

O I pray you count the cost!

Ere the fatal line be crossed,

And your soul in hell be lost, Be in time!

Be in time! Be in time!

While the voice of Jesus calls you, Be in time!

If in sin you longer wait,

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late: Be in time!


Sinner, heed the warning voice,

Make the Lord your final choice,

Then all heaven will rejoice, Be in time!

Come from darkness into light;

Come, let Jesus make you right;

Come, receive His life tonight, Be in time!

Be in time! Be in time!

While the voice of Jesus calls you, Be in time!

If in sin you longer wait,

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late: Be in time!


Hark, the voice of Jesus calling

"Who will go and work today

Fields are White, and harvest waiting

Who will bear the sheaves away

Loud and long the Master calleth,

Rich reward He offers thee

Who will answer, gladly saying,

"Here am I send me, send me!"


If you cannot cross the ocean,

And the heathen lands explore,

You can find the needy nearer,

You can help those at your door.

If you cannan sing like angels,

If you cancan preach like Paul,

You can tell the love of Jesus,

You can say He died for all


Let none hear idly saying,

"There is nothing I can do."

While the souls of men are dying,

And the Master calls for you.

Take the task He gives you gladly,

Let His work your pleasure be

Answer quickly while He calleth,

"Here am I: end me, send me!"


The morning light is breaking,

The darkness disappears

The sons of earth are waking

To penitential tears

Each breeze that sweeps the ocean

Brings tidings from afar,

Of nations in commotion,

Prepared for Zion's war.


See heathen nations bending

Before the God we love.

And thousand hearts ascending

In gratitude above

While sinners, now confessing,

The gospel call obey,

And seek the Saviour's blessing,

A nation in a day.


Blest river of salvation,

Pursue thine onward way

Flow thou to every nation,

Nor in thy richness stay

Stay not till all the lowly

Triumphant reach their home

Stay not till alll the holy

Proclaim, "The Lord is come!"


We¡¯ve a story to tell to the nations

That shall turn their hearts to the right

A story of truth and mercy

A story of peace and light

A story of peace and light

For the darkness shall turn to dawning

And the dawning to noonday bright

And Christ¡¯s great kingdom shall come on earth

The Kingdom of love and light


We¡¯ve a song to be sung to the nations

That shall lift their hearts to the Lord

A song that shall conquer evil

And shatter the spear and sword

And shatter the spear and sword

For the darkness shall turn to dawning

And the dawning to noonday bright

And Christ¡¯s great kingdom shall come on earth

The Kingdom of love and light


We¡¯ve a message to give to the nations

That the Lord who reigns up above

Has sent us His Son to save us

And show us that God is love

And show us that God is love

For the darkness shall turn to dawning

And the dawning to noonday bright

And Christ¡¯s great kingdom shall come on earth

The Kingdom of love and light


We¡¯ve a Savior to show to the nations

Who the path of sorrow has trod

That all of the world¡¯s great peoples

Might come to the truth of God

Might come to the truth of God

For the darkness shall turn to dawning

And the dawning to noonday bright

And Christ¡¯s great kingdom shall come on earth

The Kingdom of love and light


Heralds of Christ, who bear the King¡¯s commands

Immortal tidings in your mortal hands

Pass on and carry swift the news you bring

Make straight, make straight the highway of the King


Through desert ways, dark fen and deep morass

Through jungles, sluggish seas, and mountain pass

Build now the road, and falter not, nor stay

Prepare across the earth the King¡¯s highway


Lord, give us faith and strength the road to build

To see the promise of the day fulfilled

When war shall be no more, and strife shall cease

Upon the highway of the Prince of Peace



Lord, speak to me, that I may speak

In living echoes of Thy tone

As Thou hast sought, so let me seek

Thy erring children lost and lone.


Oh, lead me, Lord, that I may lead

The wand'ring and the wav'ring feet

Oh, feed me, Lord, that I may feed

Thy hung'ring ones with manna sweet.


Oh, strengthen me, that while I stand

Firm on the rock, and strong in Thee,

I may stretch out a loving hand

To wrestlers with the troubled sea!


Oh, use me, Lord, use even me,

Just as Thou wilt, and when, and where

Until Thy blessed face I see,

Thy rest, Thy joy, Thy glory share. Amen.


Christ for the whole wide world!

Our task has just begun

For millions wait in every land

The message of God's Son

Shall they be left in sin, to die without His Word

Without the Saviour Jesus Christ

Because they never heard?

We will give, we will pray

We will witness every day

That the millions of the whole wide world

May know our Saviour¡¯s love


Christ for the whole wide world!

His message must be sent

To millions dying in their sin

To call them to repent

Christ Jesus died to save, but they can never know

Until we bring our gifts of love

And bid His heralds go!

We will give, we will pray

We will witness every day

That the millions of the whole wide world

May know our Saviour¡¯s love


Christ for the whole wide world!

His heralds will proclaim

Salvation for men everywhere

In Jesus' blessed name

And we who cannot go to bear His tidings far

Will pray for those who take the Word

And witness where we are

We will give, we will pray

We will witness every day

That the millions of the whole wide world

May know our Saviour¡¯s love


Why not believe, my brother? Tell!

Why not to heaven win

Why die unsaved, for pains of hell,

The dreadful price of sin


Why not believe, my brother? Think!

Why follow Satan's train

When Satan's hosts to judgment sink

Why would you share their pain


Why not believe, my brother? Say!

Why live for wealth and state

When things of earth are burn'd away,

Why would you share that fate


Why not believe, my brother? Friend!

Why, snared in evil way.

Would you choose trouble without end,

And grief for all your days


Indeed, my comrade! Life or loss

Rests, friend, on what you do!

Come to the Lord! He bore a cross

And died for love of you!


I am a stranger here, within a foreign land

My home is far away, upon a golden strand

Ambassador to be of realms beyond the sea,

I'm here on business for my King.

This is the message that I bring,

A message angles fain would sing:

"Oh, be ye reconciled," Thus saith my Lord and King,

"Oh, be ye reconciled to God."


This is the King's command: that all men, ev'rywhere,

Repent and turn away from sin's seductive snare

That all who will obey, with Him shall reign for aye,

And that's my business for my King.

This is the message that I bring,

A message angles fain would sing:

"Oh, be ye reconciled," Thus saith my Lord and King,

"Oh, be ye reconciled to God."


My home is brighter far than Sharon's rosy plain,

Eternal life and joy thro'out its wast domain

My Sov'reign bids me tell how mortals there may dwell,

And that's my business for my King.

This is the message that I bring,

A message angles fain would sing:

"Oh, be ye reconciled," Thus saith my Lord and King,

"Oh, be ye reconciled to God."


Here am I, send me, my Lord, for I see none at work,

And the harvest rip'ning so!

Who will go now all is ready Dare I sleep or shirk

Let us rise with haste and go!

Here am I, send me. Here am I, send me.

From the altar's coal my lips still burn, And

can I wait, the mandate spurn Oh,

here am I, my Lord send me.


Jesus comes to plead but those who heed are,

oh, so few, Though he searches high and deep.

In the harvest of His loving there is work to do.

Let us go with haste and reap!

Here am I, send me. Here am I, send me.

From the altar's coal my lips still burn, And

can I wait, the mandate spurn Oh,

here am I, my Lord send me.


Where the Saviour leads is gladness any place or hour.

All your strength for Him employ.

He enables when He orders, so we rise with pow'r

And bring in His sheaves with joy.

Here am I, send me. Here am I, send me.

From the altar's coal my lips still burn, And

can I wait, the mandate spurn Oh,

here am I, my Lord send me.


Humankind, the work of God,

Was created to be one.

We are all a family,

Each with work which must be done.

All one blood beneath the sun

All one blood beneath the sun.


But with roots of human sin

Thrusting deep into the heart,

Prejudice and pride of place

Wall us off, keep us apart.

Contacts die before they start,

Contacts die before they start.


Then came Christ, and by the cross

Showed us peace and human worth.

In a world of umbelief

He brings faith and love to birth.

His command: Remake the earth.

His command: Remake the earth.


We who share glory and shame,

One in Jesus, we and you,

Firmly bound in faith and hope,

Let us dare and let us do!

Pierce the dark, let the light through!

Pierce the dark, let the light through!


From Greenland's icy mountains,

From India's coral strand,

Where Afric's sunny fountains

Roll down their golden sand,

From many an ancient river,

From many a palmy plain,

They call us to deliver

Their land from error's chain.


Can we, whose souls are lighted

With wisdom from on high,

Can we to men benighted

The lamp of life deny

Salvation! O salvation!

The joyful sound proclaim,

Till each remotest nation

Has learned Messiah's Name.


Waft, waft, ye winds, His story,

And you, ye waters, roll,

Till like a sea of glory

It spreads from pole to pole

Till o'er our ransomed nature

The Lamb for sinners slain,

Redeemer, King, Creator,

In bliss returns to reign. Amen.


I love to tell the story

Of unseen things above,

Of Jesus and His glory,

Of Jesus and His love:

I love to tell the story

Because I know 'tis ture.

It satisfies my longings

As nothing else can do.

I love to tell the story!

'Twill be my theme in glory

To tell the old, old, story

Of Jesus and His love.


I love to tell the story

'Tis pleasant to repeat

What seems, each timeI tell it

More wonderfully sweet:

I love to tell the story,

For some have never heard

The message of salvation

From God's own Holy Word.

I love to tell the story!

'Twill be my theme in glory

To tell the old, old, story

Of Jesus and His love.


I love to tell the story

For those who know it best

Seem hungering and thristing

To hear it, like rest:

And when in scenes of glory

I sing the new, new song,

'Twill be the old, old, story

That I have loved so long.

I love to tell the story!

'Twill be my theme in glory

To tell the old, old, story

Of Jesus and His love.


Rescue the preishing Care for the dying

Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave.

Weep o'er the erring one Lift up the fallen

Tell them of Jesus, the Mighty to Save.

Rescue the perishing Care for the dying

Jesus is merciful Jesus will save.


Tho' they are slighting Him, Still He is waiting,

Waiting the penitent child to receive.

Plead with them earnestly, Plead with them gently

He will forgive if they only believe.

Rescue the perishing Care for the dying

Jesus is merciful Jesus will save.


Rescue the perishing duty demands it

Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide.

Back to the narrow way patiently win them

Tell the poor wand'rer a Saviour has died.

Rescue the perishing Care for the dying

Jesus is merciful Jesus will save. Amen.


Brightly beams our Father's mercy

From His lighthouse evermore,

But to us He gives the keeping

Of the lights along the shore.

Let the lower lights be burning!

Send a gleam across the wave!

Some poor fainting, struggling seaman

You may rescue, you may save.


Dark the night of sin has settled,

Loud the angry billows roar

Eager eyes are watching, longing,

For the lights along the shore.

Let the lower lights be burning!

Send a gleam across the wave!

Some poor fainting, struggling seaman

You may rescue, you may save.


Trim your feeble lamp, my brother

Some poor sailor, tempesttossed,

Trying now to make the harbor,

In the darkness may be lost.

Let the lower lights be burning!

Send a gleam across the wave!

Some poor fainting, struggling seaman

You may rescue, you may save.


Far, far away in heathen darkness dwelling,

Millions of souls forever may be lost,

Who, who will go, salvation's story telling,

Looking to Jesus, minding not the cost

"All pow'r is given unto Me,

All pow'r is given unto Me,

Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel,

And lo, I am with you alway."


See o'er the world wide open doors inviting

Soldiers of Christ, arise and enter in!

Christians, awake! Your forces all uniting,

Send forth the gospel, break the chains of sin.

"All pow'r is given unto Me,

All pow'r is given unto Me,

Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel,

And lo, I am with you alway."


"Why will ye die"the voice of God is calling,

"Why will ye die"reecho in His name

Jesus hath died to save from death appalling,

Life and salvation therefore go proclaim.

"All pow'r is given unto Me,

All pow'r is given unto Me,

Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel,

And lo, I am with you alway."


God speed the ay, when those of every nation

"Glory to God!" triumphantly shall sing

Ransomed, redeemed, rejoicing in salvation,

Shout Hallelujah, for the Lord is King.

"All pow'r is given unto Me,

All pow'r is given unto Me,

Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel,

And lo, I am with you alway."


In one fraternal bond of love

To Christ the Lord of Love we sing,

Think on that grace all grace above,

And praise with joy our Lord and Kind!

As Jesus did, so, Lord, may we

Love as ourself all those in need,

Comfort who grieve, Even as He,

And learn to love in heart and deed.


To Christ the Lord of Love, we give

Soul, spirit, strength, mind, hearts, and nerve,

In grief or joy, for Him to live,

And Him alone as Lord to serve.

Lord, help us serve as love commands

As towel girt our Saviour show'd,

Washing soil'd feet With holy hands!

Help us to walk that servant road.


If Jesus Christ be Lord indeed,

To you, as He is Lord to me,

Then comrade! friend! oh, be assur'd!

One blood, one body all are we.

Shall we not then draw closer still,

Heart, hand and hope and service one

Beloved, come! Our Father's will

In and through us may yet be done!


Our Father, thy dear Name doth show

The greatness of thy love

All are thy children here below

As in thy heav'n above.

One family on earth are we

Throughout its widest span:

O help us ev'rywhere to see

The brotherhood of man.


Alike we share thy tender care

We trust on heav'nly friend

Before one mercyseat in prayer

In confidence we bend

Alike we hear thy loving call

One heav'nly vision scan,

One Lord, one faith, one hope for all,

The brotherhood of man.


Bring in, we pray, the glorious day

When battle cries are stilled,

When bitter strife is swept away,

And hearts with love are filled.

O help us banish pride and wrong,

Which since the world began

Have marred its peace help us make strong

The brotherhood of man.


Close knit the warm fraternal tie

That makes the whole world one

Our discords change to harmony

Like angelsongs begun:

At last, unon that brighter shore

Complete thy glorious plan,

And heav'n shall crown for evermore

The brotherhood of man.


And are we yet alive,

And see each other's face

Glory and praise to Jesus give

For His redeeming grace.


What troubles have we seen,

What conflicts have we passed.

Fightings Without, and fears within,

Since we assembled last!


But out of all the Lord

Hath brought us by His love

And still he doth His help afford,

And hides our life above.


Then let us make our boast

Of His redeeming power,

Which saves us to the uttermost,

Till we can sin no more.